Practical Parent Education LLC is a company that started in 1984 as a partnership with the City of Plano, Texas; Plano Independent School District; and a group of community business leaders. Its mission was to help families raise emotionally healthy children who would go to school ready to learn. Over time, the PPE success stories spread - first throughout Texas and then on to other states so that now PPE has a presence in 40 states, Japan, Russia and Mexico.
From the beginning, PPE curricula were founded on the principles of family systems and the ages and stages of children and addressed issues such as developing children’s confidence, self-esteem, motivation, trust, responsibility and school appropriate social skills. Throughout the years, we have added materials and programs that address emerging needs such as bullying, truancy, gangs, and social media. Our programs support families from the time their children are newly born up through young adulthood.
The PPE program is evidence-informed using the best available research and information about best practices to be responsive to families’ cultural backgrounds, community values and individual preferences. PPE works with schools to creatively determine and implement ideas about “How to Connect with Families.” Everything is aimed at giving parents the skills and the motivation to be actively engaged in their child’s academic success. All of the PPE materials are in English and in Spanish.
The curriculum development process for PPE brings together definitive research on parenting practices, practical application in field test situations, and a proven curriculum model with evaluation tools. This process is directed by professionals whose backgrounds have centered on curriculum development and implementation models in public school settings as well as in private industry.
A cadre of experienced Education Consultants provides the interactive workshop training that prepares family life practitioners and educators to implement our PPE program easily. The PPE training experience is supported by on-call consulting services. Both the curriculum and the professional development fulfill Title I, Part A Guidelines.
The PPE Sales Force stands ready to provide customer service that is customized for the changing needs of the PPE subscribers. They are the glue that holds all of the processes together and provides subscribers access to all of the company resources.