In today's climate of sound bites and instant messaging, information must be available in a variety of user-friendly forms. Recognizing that parents can benefit from concise reminders of parental behaviors that work, many of our curricula modules have one or more accompanying Quick Tips, bulleted and brief, appropriate for the bathroom mirror or refrigerator. PPE publishes new Quick Tips every year, each dealing with a particular circumstance or age-defined behavior.
Only current PPE subscribers have the exclusive right to reproduce Quick Tips for distribution to parents.
The 160+ Quick Tips are reproducible bookmark size handouts covering parenting issues from the time babies are newborns until they reach young adulthood. They may be used as handouts at a parenting class, on websites, in newsletters, or as the outline for a quick short lesson. They are printed three per page (8 ½ x 11) in both Spanish and English.
PPE Parenting Quick Tips are part of our Parent Engagement Facilitation Package (Core Curriculum) and are not sold separately.